At first I was concerned about Larian doing BG3 because I simply couldn't appreciate DOS2 mechanically and history wise.

DOS2 have several flaws in my opinion which makes it a bad game, yet I'm not going to go deeper in it.

Then I've heard they were being aided by WotC and using 5e rule set, and I got quite confident that we would see a good quality game. I've even bought Early Access so I could support them and provide as much feedback as possible.
How can you ruin something that already survived the tests of time? Well, they did it.

Larian claims that their are deeply involved in that culture of feedback, yet we haven't been asked what we would expect of that new house rules and that's currently their big mistake in this project so far.

I always though that the worst part of Larian was this culture of adding way too much content which lead to lack of personality in general. They lacks so much in personality that the respec feature is present in the game and anyone can be anything at anytime. It's okay for DOS where there's no typical classes? Maybe. Its certainly not for DnD.

The sense of progression is broken.
The sense of class is broken.
And finally the sense of attachment is broken.

Summarizing I'm going to keep complaining about those dumb decisions not solely because its not RAW DnD5e which they've promised us but because this game is unbalanced as fuck because of this decisions.