Originally Posted by UnderworldHades
Originally Posted by Frumpkis
Originally Posted by Merry Mayhem
But this is a Larian game, if you are not playing an Origin Character, you are playing the game wrong. You would think having a custom character name show up as Tav would tell you everything Larian wants you to know about your character. The PC is not the hero of this story, we are the sidekick unless your choose to be a protagonists, i.e. an Origin Character.

How is the PC not the hero of the story whether you choose an Origin character or not? There are some heavy hints that the entire story arc is about whether you're going to accept the power of the Illithid tadpole and become a powerful evil force in the world, or resist it and fight the Mind Flayers.

Isn't that enough? It allows players to choose an Origin character or build a blank slate to follow that story line.

Because compared to Origin characters, Custom characters fall flat, and are just cardboard cutouts with zero personality or history. That was a major criticism of OS2 and it remains here. Too many resources go into making all these Origin characters playable and making it so you can see their story in "first person view", and Custom characters are left blank. It leaves a sour taste just calling the main character "custom". In every RPG it's just "main character" or a name, in this one its "oh custom". That to me just comes off weird and terrible. Because every Origin character can be played, they allll have to be special in some way, which means no one is special, and ofc...same goes for Custom even more. Custom is nothing.

Before you are on the ship, your character has zero history. Yes you get your "race" dialogues, but that's not unique. That's race dialogue, that's not YOUR character dialogue. They have no history and just "appear" out of nowhere when the game starts it looks like. Every CRPG does something to make the main character have some sort of background, a link to the world. Even pillars 1 (where u are a blank slate), has the character traveling to a new place and a mandatory NPC asks you for your reasoning, which gives your character a place in the world. An actual place, not some headcanon stuff and some elaborate history players can make. All CRPGS/RPGS do it. Even fallout NV (which is considered a damn good rpg by majority) has some backstory, like you being a courier, outside of that it's a clean slate.


This is also my main gripe with BG3 right now. To feel a little bit special you gotta play something like a drow and a cleric (from my experience that combo gets the most extra dialogue), cause indeed, your race and your class don't make up for your character's personal history and dialogue specific only to them. Hell, in POE, depending on what you picked - like a noble who's family got murdered, it would be referenced MULTIPLE times later in the game. It indeed made the PC unique. The PC had a place in the world. They did something long before they were run out or decided to make the journey across Eora to build up a new life elsewhere. Your companions even ask you what would you do once this is all over, what are your plans. In BG3 as of now the only companion that wants to know what you wanna do after the tadpole problem is dealt with is Astarion.. and to get that dialogue you gotta rest in camp multiple times and get Lae to speak to Zorru. You kill Lae? Oh, no extra content for you.

Also, I agree with most of what the OP has said. Aside from hard battles, in my book they aren't hard, just tedious. I wish Larian took some pages off of what Obsidian has done with POE, give us some sort of fast forward or something. Some battles got so many NPCs attached that waiting for your turn gets real boring real quick. Oh and I hate the surfaces with a passion. They belong in DOS1 and DOS2, not in a D&D game. At least not to this extent.

Last edited by Nicottia; 19/10/20 02:39 AM.