Originally Posted by Hachina
Originally Posted by VincentNZ
Originally Posted by Raflamir
An Eder-type companion would be great. He was so un-special and it was nice.

Yeah he was special in being so aggressively normal, something this game really lacks. Apart from the PC, who seems remarkably shallow compared to each and every companion who could rightfully be the protagonist of his own game.

He was normal but he had a hell of a backstory. His brother died in the war of the saint and he was sad about it, sad about Eothas demise and his loss of faith. Eder is a pillar, he is kind, compassionate, quiet, and listening. He play the roles of a tank. But these vulnerabilities, his past, the fact that you recruit him during the soulless child crisis near a hanged-man tree, all of this gives eder a dimension, a thickness, a feeling of realism. Its all in the writing, the character went through a lot. He may be ''normal'', but he has tons of experience, he has lived, and he talks about it.

My point precisely. He had a whole slew of issues, like we all have and that was relatable. That is stressful, yet he remains calm and focused and speaks about it. Meanwhile we have a vampiric elf and a powerful priest of an evil god and a guy possessed by a demon and Lae'Zel is probably the secret queen of all githyanki. Yeah, I am sure this is stressful, but what do I have to do with it? Why are you so on edge about it all the time? Why don't you want help and why don't you simply want to talk about it? Geez, these entitled people. It is like the people complaining about their life and the gas prices just to ride off into the sunset with their Porsche.