I am absolutely here and spending my money for a 5E D&D game. I get that a video game needs some adjustment, but those adjustments should feel intentional, not "we don't really get the ruleset so we changed some stuff" — which is a lot of the alterations now. It's like a newbie DM with strong ideas making changes which actually make the game less fun.

I've got no problem winning fights in this game without abusing the camp, and usually go way beyond when the characters are whining that it's a long day. I do wish they'd introduce proper short rests and hit dice. But my objection isn't that these things are making the game too hard. They're making it not feel like D&D, and, thread title to the contrary, that's a completely sufficient and valid reason.

Throwing barrels should definitely go — or require a ridiculous strength. (An ogre throwing them at me? Fine!) Likewise, not every eenemy sshould have surface creating throwables, and they shouldn't be so easy for me to come by. And cantrips having a splash effect definitely makes me sad each time.