Originally Posted by Muthud
Originally Posted by FatePeddler
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
Originally Posted by FatePeddler
OP, combat is super easy when you learn the game.

You mean... when you exploit the game ? eek

(backstab + eating + surfaces + shove + jump + rest + advantages + ...)

How is using the game mechanics, "exploiting"? Do you want BG3 to be a JRPG where you load into a set battle arena?

Having to "use the game mechanics" like this is not fun. It breaks the immersion, it makes the game a bad rpg. You can do all things mentiond + loading to find the optimal approach - but it's in no way enjoyable to do. You can't fix bad game design with "using the mechanics". The game is supposed to be D&D, so let's make it so. Doing the above does in no way represent how an RPG should go (for you to beat the fights & advance the game).

+1 but this abuse is derivative of Larians design philosophy. Hopefully they will not repeat the mistakes they made with DivOS2 or the indifference they had to balancing that game.

I am here to discuss a video game. Please do not try to rope me into anything other than that. Thank you.