old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2020
I love DDO though it has been shifting further away from DND. Still a great game in its own right.
BG3 is the first worthy replacement I've seen! When you say that DDO is shifting away from D&D, do you mean that the 3e ruleset is less relevant, or that DDO themselves have changed the game away from the 3e rules? Yes, I'm enjoying BG3 as well. D&D is not my first choice for an RPG but I've been playing it for over 40 years and it feels comfortable. I also like Pathfinder:Kingmaker, having been burned in the debacle that was Pathfinder Online and resigning myself to never seeing a proper PF CRPG. Well enemies with hundreds of thousands of hit points isn't a D&D mechanic but an MMO raid mechanic. The nature of the game became full grind and level up as fast as possible to the point that every group is speed running everything, so if you don't know how to get to every quest you're screwed because no one will wait for you. The D&D features were heavily hampered by the typical MMO grindfest and player base. I've given up on the MMO / forced multiplayer genre as a whole now. But if you can somehow find a small group of friends to just play the content as-is, no rush... there's a lot of memorable content. They are trailing new paths as they are in character levels higher than in the books because of online continuation over years. So yeah you'll see higher level #'s and the like. No one has friends to play with online. Trying to look for your own groups takes hours to fill for a single 15 minute quest. The whole MMO experience is garbage.
Last edited by DumbleDorf; 20/10/20 06:58 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I love DDO though it has been shifting further away from DND. Still a great game in its own right.
BG3 is the first worthy replacement I've seen! When you say that DDO is shifting away from D&D, do you mean that the 3e ruleset is less relevant, or that DDO themselves have changed the game away from the 3e rules? Yes, I'm enjoying BG3 as well. D&D is not my first choice for an RPG but I've been playing it for over 40 years and it feels comfortable. I also like Pathfinder:Kingmaker, having been burned in the debacle that was Pathfinder Online and resigning myself to never seeing a proper PF CRPG. That DDO has moved on from 3e. I'd be happy with a faithful 3e or 5e game, ddo is neither. I do love some aspects though, like the SLAs for casters which I think predate and maybe inspired at will cantrips in 4e and 5e.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2020
I love DDO though it has been shifting further away from DND. Still a great game in its own right.
BG3 is the first worthy replacement I've seen! When you say that DDO is shifting away from D&D, do you mean that the 3e ruleset is less relevant, or that DDO themselves have changed the game away from the 3e rules? Yes, I'm enjoying BG3 as well. D&D is not my first choice for an RPG but I've been playing it for over 40 years and it feels comfortable. I also like Pathfinder:Kingmaker, having been burned in the debacle that was Pathfinder Online and resigning myself to never seeing a proper PF CRPG. That DDO has moved on from 3e. I'd be happy with a faithful 3e or 5e game, ddo is neither. I do love some aspects though, like the SLAs for casters which I think predate and maybe inspired at will cantrips in 4e and 5e. Spell like abilities are PnP based. http://roleplaynexus.com/errataspelllike.htmlThe biggest thing in DDO that isn't is enemy HP numbers and 12 people raids and all that MMO junk.
Joined: Jul 2014
Yep - remember when the handful of quests were voiced by Gygax? Folks who didn't know who he was would be like, "wait, what happened to the narrator..?" Hah! Good times.
Booted it up a year or two ago and had to reroll the character I logged into (apparently the underlying systems have changed a lot). Don't think I logged back in after the re-roll, but was good memories walking around the main town.
Don't mind the doomsayers on the thread, it was a great game in its day; definitely laid a lot of foundation despite not aging terribly well. Baked-in chat support was a huge facet for me, really altered the experience.
Joined: Sep 2017
Wow I havent been back to the forums in 2 weeks and LOVE all the replies!! Thank you thank you!!
DDO is the gold standard for REPLAYABILITY for D&D online gaming. IMHO. Jury is still out on BG3 if they can marshal a loyal playerbase and drive content on the level that Turbine and SSG has managed SO BRILLIANTLY with Dungeons & Dragons Online.
Joined: Mar 2013
id say the gold standard would be NWN peresistant worlds
Joined: Nov 2020
I've been playing tabletop D&D since the white box days and CRPGs since Temple of Apshai came out on cassette for the C64. I've played all the SSI gold box games and still have some of my original diskettes, rule books, hint books and decoder wheels. Played and own all the Bioware Infinity engine games, as well as the more recent enhanced editions of same. Also have and played NWN 1 & 2, and the enhanced edition. Played a bit of DDO and Neverwinter, but I'm not a big fan of MMOs.
So far, I find BG3 to be okay, but not earth-shattering. I realize there is a lot of work yet to be done here, but it just seems like it should have been a bit further along before they opened 'pay to beta test'. Not being able to scroll the camera in combat is a big deal for me, as I like to take out enemies as far away from me as possible. This is especially irksome when the enemies do not suffer from the same limitation to targeting that I do.
The graphics are really good, though, as is the sound quality. Vulkan sends my PC into thermal shutdown after an hour or so, while DX11 causes no noticeable system strain. I'm running an FX 8350 Black Edition and a Radian RX Vega 64, so Vulkan shouldn't be causing heat issues. I'm guessing that there are some method calls being handled by the CPU that ought to go to the GPU, but that's only a guess. I write application for desktops for a living, not video games, so I could be completely off there.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I was already using DDO as a reference to compare a lot of the stuff in this game and theorycraft with prior to the EA release. Any research predicated on the older rules isn’t very applicable. Most of the basic rules for 5E are available for free on the official website dndbeyond.com. That is a great source for planning out your builds. Indeed. The biggest shock was the absolute lack of feats in BG3 compared to DDO. And also you have to choose between a feat or ability increases. Isn't DDO based on Eberron 3.5? I'm actually starting NwN Online today with a buddy for lore, figured that would be more relatable than DDO.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Isn't DDO based on Eberron 3.5? I'm actually starting NwN Online today with a buddy for lore, figured that would be more relatable than DDO.
Yes, it's Eberron 3.5. Although later on they did add some Forgotten Realms parts into it as well.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Sep 2015
Never liked DDO to be honest. Tried a few times but it never clicked for me. I am an old time gamer though, played NWN 1 & 2 with all their extensions when they came out and loved them.
Joined: Sep 2017
DDO has incredible variety from feats and skills and realistic combat. It can accept up to 12 members in a party for raids and has built in voice, no need for discord/teamspeak etc. unless you want to. Friends are EASY to find in my guild Tyrs Paladium  It's an Old School gamers paradise. 
Joined: Oct 2020
Still play DDO sometimes on ghallanda server... think i may have even been in your guild for a while long ago! Heyas! 
Joined: Oct 2020
OHHH....DDO. The memories  Played a lot in the beginning. Until....i stopped. Blackspell the Wizard  yay.
Joined: Sep 2017
Hey hey... how's you old school gamers liking the game thusfar?
Bard of Suzail
Bard of Suzail
Joined: Oct 2020
I am about as old school DnD as it gets, started playing table top in 1976. I have played pretty much every DnD base video game out there.
BG3 is not bad but I hate the rules change. I am a fan of 2nd Edition, especially the way it fit into the Forgotten Realms. BG3 has potential but until we see some more classes and other NPCs for companions I am on the fence.
Joined: Apr 2013
I don't know if I'm old school, back when gold box were a thing they just weren't available where I lived. It was this sort of mythic treasure akin to trying to find a copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga in the wild. Nowadays I tend towards modern sensibilities, inconvenient interfaces and mechanics won't make me young again. I'm pretty hyped about where BG3 is, maybe it will need a few mods to truly shine.
Played a bit of DDO fairly recently. It took me well over a decade to find someone to play with since playing with randos isn't all that fun. Good game with some fun quests and also the Twelve.
Joined: Dec 2020
I’m an old school D&D player, maybe not as old as 1976, but mid 90s.
Honestly if we actually want D&D to make a meaningful impact on the video game stage it needs to evolve, but I have a feeling it still won’t, because Elitists and Purists hold it back from evolving or adapting to the format.
Want more games? The they need to offer more success/money to the companies that make them. Want them to be more successful, then they need to appeal to a wider audience. We should have some purity to D&D itself so that it doesn’t get watered down, and less enjoyable, but refusing to change anything, means it will stay in obscurity, like it has for its entire life. Yeah it gets a little boost in popularity here and there, but it always does back down, and peeps just seem to be unwilling to look at reality.
Joined: Sep 2020
I am about as old school DnD as it gets, started playing table top in 1976. I have played pretty much every DnD base video game out there.
BG3 is not bad but I hate the rules change. I am a fan of 2nd Edition, especially the way it fit into the Forgotten Realms. BG3 has potential but until we see some more classes and other NPCs for companions I am on the fence. I'm as much a fossil as Zentu, so this +1. Still a fan of 2.0, absolutely abhored 3.5 (won't even acknowledge 4.0) but 5.0 has some potential. I certainly don't expect BG3 to go retro to the days of BG2/2.0.
Joined: Dec 2020
Started playing PnP D&D in the late 70s, but prior to that I played Chainmail fantasy supplement - so kinda sorta D&D before D&D. As for CRPGs, man it gets hazy, but I think I was late to the DND CRPG scene (late 90s, maybe). DDO on and off since late Beta (actually, I didn't care for it then, like it passably well now.) I quite like turn based play, my favourite implementation of that was ToEE, buggy and sometime annoying as hell, but seemed to work well. If I could have a wish implementation, it would be like BG2, especially with the selectable autopauses, but I'm liking BG3 pretty well as itself, and I'm not too hung up with things being like they were in prior games
Joined: Sep 2020
Started playing PnP D&D in the late 70s, but prior to that I played Chainmail fantasy supplement - so kinda sorta D&D before D&D. As for CRPGs, man it gets hazy, but I think I was late to the DND CRPG scene (late 90s, maybe). DDO on and off since late Beta (actually, I didn't care for it then, like it passably well now.) I quite like turn based play, my favourite implementation of that was ToEE, buggy and sometime annoying as hell, but seemed to work well. If I could have a wish implementation, it would be like BG2, especially with the selectable autopauses, but I'm liking BG3 pretty well as itself, and I'm not too hung up with things being like they were in prior games Combat in ToEE was actually well-done, I could almost bear 3.0/3.5. Problem with it was being rushed out the door. The later unofficial version of it was much improved.