As a long time D&D player, the horror stories of misses that this thread has claimed don't even come close to what I've seen in real life.

I once had a player roll 9 critical fails in a row. I believe he ended up trashing all three sets of dice he used for these rolls. I also had another player roll 11 natural 20's in a single night, he only rolled 17 times that night. (I remember these numbers because we were all laughing so hard about it, we wrote them down to preserve the memory.)

Playing Savage Worlds, I also had a single goblin with almost no HP solo a max level character over 10 rounds. The player just needed to hit once. The goblin needed to hit over and over and over (neither ever got the wonderful exploding dice). In the end, the player lost.

True randomness is weird. I've also had 3-4 rounds in BG3 where I can't hit anything despite an 80% chance or better. I also crushed the goblin camp my first play-through because ~12 goblins landed about 4 shots on my party (3 on Gale) over 3 rounds and I easily picked them off. It wasn't so easy the second playthrough...