The differences I really don't like, because of a bad gameplay experience (not because they are just differences).

A. Disengage as an action bonus. Make the whole concept of opportunity attack, protect by placement become totally irrelevant. Battle looks like a Benny Hill episode instead of an epic switch form bow to sword. Would say the same for pushing. But I like the idea of jumping for an action bonus cost (instead of free jump).

B. Helping people, saving them from death and putting them to their foot (instead of the saving from game-over or a really more costly resurrection). Looking at a streamer trying to help 10 ten turn in a row his fellow which go immediately back on the ground should be enough as argument. There is just no fun ! Just let helped people unconscious for the rest of the battle and make the AI stop focus them !

Bonus : The camp.

Actually, I really don't like the fact that sleeping in the camp is totaly "free". I know the problem is not simple. But having the challenge of clearing a dungeon in a single run instead of taking a snap after each encouter would be really great !