Originally Posted by Argonaut
Originally Posted by override367
Most of the bad mechanical stuff is follow ons from changes they've made from the ruleset, again like a bad DM would, just a cascade of patches to their homebrew system that breaks the system they had that already worked

-Larian puts in goblin encounter
-Larian implements their height advantage/disadvantage system (giving a 3:1 advantage for the high creature)
-Goblins are now impossible to hit (the basic goblin in D&D has high AC and low hitpoints)
-Goblins have their AC reduced to 7 so players can hit them when they are elevated, because combat was too unfun missing over and over
-Larian introduces surface effects to everything
-Firebolt now kills goblins even if it misses them
-Triple the goblin HP
-Concentration spells are vastly nerfed by the fire surfaces created by enemies, you have a small chance of holding concentration if put in a fire field

this is just going to keep spiraling into more and more dev effort to patch problems of their own making

You did it, you glorious bastard. That is the perfect summary of how Larian have changed the mechanics instead of balancing encounters and creating even exponentially more problems for themselves.

Yet many people will state that they’ve beaten the game with just one character and that’s all right. It’s doesn’t matter how many save scumming you’ve done, or how many cheesing you’ve used through battlefield exploration that was added intentionally by Larian to make you feel special and smart. In the end you’re not creative, all that marvelous tactics functions like your DM is playing for you.

I think many people judge the difficulty rate of a game my the amount of deaths you’ve accumulated through a campaign and how much you’ve loaded. I do think that every time I repeat a battle it gets less and less unique.