Originally Posted by Vekkares
Just dont eat in combat. Why ruin the enjoyment of others just because you like a certain style? Just make it your own.

Because it's not a matter of "Just don't do it" and it's not about "ruining the enjoyment". It's about making sense with consistent rules and creating a balance in the experience cutting off potential exploits.

Regaining HP from food is already quite a generous concession by D&D standards. Making it possible to eat 10 Kgs of roasted pig head as a bonus action during a combat turn is just nonsense (and something that makes you question why potions would even be a thing).

Last edited by Tuco; 20/10/20 02:45 PM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN