It sounds like food size and ubiquity are the problem more than anything. If you ate a square of lembas bread that you could buy from elvish vendors (yes I know lotr) youd be fine. But the fact you can find a roasted dingo and eat it all is bothersome. If it was roasted acorns, cormyr coffee, crunchy crickets, glowing fungus, or dwarvish battle brew is this still an issue? Considering the plethora of non-healing potions and elixirs one can take? Or what if turned all current food into its liquid form. Apple juice, mushroom juice, fish juice? and you have nothing but potions now, does that fit the narrative? I guess Im just confused at what the problem is other than immersion breaking VOLUME of food being eaten. If they had Gnomish QuikSwallow™ pills of every flavor and effect is that ok?

What is the problem you are solving? Does your proposed change solve the problem? Is your change feasible? What else will be affected by your change? Will your change impact revenue? Does your change align with the goals and strategies of the organizations (Larian, WotC)?