I am thinking of Solasta specifically, should have been more clear.
I find it hilarious Solasta is mentioned when they have stuff like Wizards that are as good as Rangers with a bow with "Greenmage" school (they even get Archery AND Hunter's Mark kekw) or Paladins that can toss a bloody Fireball at level 5.
Solasta is not some paragon of D&D purity there.
Solasta is playing by the rules and writing it's own subclasses.
BG3 is that DM who wrote his own 5.5 rules. For better or worse. More than needed.
I don't have a problem with the changes, I have a problem with how much the infringe on balance. I don't even mean the gernade spam-I'm fine with that, people usually ignore thrown weapons like alchemists fire entirely because they suck. If they did a little bit more via surface creation I'd be fine with it. But the timing of damage right now, and the impact of these insane goddamn barrels, is nuts. Spells like firebolt and ray of frost are insanely powerful. Bonus actions are simply stupidly broken, with any form of battlefield positioning a lost cause because everything can jump past frontline character and AOO are a myth.
There are serious issues here, more than Larian adding their own touch. They could fix this by rebalancing numbers mostly, and the timing of damage-being set of fire should have a delay before damage starts, and only trigger once unless you are still in the fire source. It should only occur if you are on a fire surface, which should require either a specific cantrip (there are spells which literally just create persistent fires, create bonfire or shape fire) or a higher level spell like fireball. The other surfaces need similar treatment. Maybe let cantrips specifically aimed at the ground create small surfaces, if it does not overlap a character. And barrels need to be reduced in impact by an order of magnitude, and almost every bonus action completely axed in the current form.