Originally Posted by Isaac Springsong
Originally Posted by Gaidax
Originally Posted by SilverSaint
I don't have a problem with the changes, I have a problem with how much the infringe on balance.

Yes because clearly auto-upcasting Wizards or literal Wizard-Rangers backed by Scorching/Fireball Paladins do not infringe on balance.

I just find it funny how Solasta is apparently our lord and savior, while BG3 is the devil. I currently do a Solasta run and it has plenty of its own stuff that is nowhere to be found in 5e, including environmental effects. Know why? Because it's a video game and video games need a bit more than RAW 5e.

That's because Solasta is a small studio and doesn't have access to the full 5e license from WotC, they only have access to the 5e SRD content. I've already talked to the Solasta creators and apparently it is just too expensive for them to try and get the full license, which is unfortunate.

That. Also, Solasta has the basics of 5e down pretty well already, even with their own additions...