Originally Posted by JDCrenton
I'm sure this will get very boring pretty fast if they don't carefully manage each encounter instead of just lazily spamming ranged enemies ( Spells, Ranged Weapons, Throwables ) abusing high ground advantage. Don't forget the encounters are limited, we have no respawning enemies over here. That's why D:OS2 got incredibly boring after Driftwood, besides having 0% char progression since everything became a "Highest Initiative One Shot Wins" fest.

I wouldn't say its boring.

Maybe if you decided to make a lone wolf build where you really needed to one shot things to make it work, then sure i guess one shotting things was boring. It's also boring when you murder hobo everything before their "talk encounter begins." As far as character progression goes, I'd actually have to give you that one, i don't really remember all of their stories for the most part. (Doctor was adhramalehk, fane was special, prince...something about assasins, sebeille...was a slave?)

Monsters shouldn't respawn in places you have cleared, that feels like an exp farm to me.