In 5e there are actually "Skill Challenges" that can be designed as tough as a combat encounter depending. With many different skill checks back to back. Usually the DC will vary depending what skill you are using. Having Advantage on a skill you roll 2 D 20s and take the highest roll and then add your mod. It FEELS a lot better to roll the 2 than have it just adjust the DC by 5.

Skill Challenges should also reward just as much and on top of that gained faction which can have an impact later. That is one of the main reasons to play a "Face" Character in a group. Its common if a skill challenge doesnt go as planned you can easily get into combat. The Major difference is that in a tabletop you Cant reload your game because of the different outcome you wanted didnt go as planned. There are always consequences for your actions and you have to adjust to what they are as a group in real time.
