Game is advertised as Baldurs Gate 3 game. And as DnD game based on 5e.

I expect that. I want to play 5e. We have been waiting since NWN2 to play another DnD game. That's what we want. DnD.

I don't mind DOS system but for that I will have another DOS game in future.

DnD 5e does not need to be mixed with another system. It's been playtested for 6 years and is perfectly developed and designed. I don't mind some small bufff and nerfs, but I don't like when devs promise me 5e game and I get DOS game 1.5 mixed with some 5e rules.

Either give me Cyberpunk or Witcher. Don't give me Cyberwitcher.

Last edited by Benny89; 21/10/20 03:30 AM.