Originally Posted by Mister Monster
Keep in mind that this is only the first act: these are the opening motions of will -become- a romance later on in the game!

The 'hookups' at this point in time are just that; they're intended to be whirlwind, potentially alcohol-induced nights of revelry. Will they stay as just that? Or will you keep going back? Find out in Act 2 and beyond!

This is just wishful thinking. Companions are just literally alinged to be picked up at that night like red-light district prostitutes or as if high school horny teenagers who just wait for an oportunity to get laid. These are supposed to be people who have extreme backgrounds and immense experience. We are talking about people who can get into love affairs with a goddess or seen and done things with demons which granted them immense powers so that they have gone extraordianry adventures. However, somehow they get easily picked up to get laid by a person they just know for a week while they are in a mortal danger.

Do you really think it is not immersion breaker than go on have fun playing this game. I am happy for you.