Originally Posted by Emulate
if you stack your characters on top of each other you can just revive your team mates after they die if you have more team mates than the enemy has you win, how is that a functioning mechanic or even good game design picking your same team mate off the ground 50x in a single fight? it's that how DND works?

In 5e how it works is if someone goes down the only way to get them up is through giving them HP in some form, have them drink a potion of healing, spells etc.

Help Action in 5e DOES NOT bring people up to 1 hp in tabletop.

If people are out of healing, there is a cantrip called Spare the Dying that stabilizes someone from bleeding to death, as well as making a Medicine check or Healing Kit.

Last edited by Jazhara202; 21/10/20 08:57 PM.