Remember that AC for DEX is restricted when you wear heavier armour. Medium Armour restricts you to gaining +2 from DEX, while Heavy Armour does not allow any bonus from DEX.
Finesse weapons are only low base damage, so you'll never get the same damage output with a high DEX Finesse fighter as with a high STR fighter with a normal fighter Martial weapon (well, a 2H one anyway).
But yes, DEX is a good stat. It has become better in recent editions through the inclusion of Finesse and extra damage to missile weapons (AD&D only used DEX to hit with missile weapons, and not damage or for melee), and subsequent editions slowly improved DEX-based fighting to improve Rogues. It might have become too potent, especially combined with the rapier, and I'll admit that I never use DEX as a dump stat.
Last edited by Sadurian; 21/10/20 10:47 PM.