Originally Posted by Symphonnarra
page 182 out of the players hand book states " [redacted]

now with all those conditions how can u get that into the game... so yes and no ... they are taking alot on tbh.. dont forget still missing dodge, grapple, and ready action... oh and forgot delay
no cover conditions as well

I've been doing jumping wrong for years apparently, I always used you can jump as far as your jump roll. This may be an artifact from 3.5e jump rules.

And yes very good point, there's a lot of combat actions missing. Having shove as a bonus action as it is, i hope grapple doesn't become a bonus action..

Ready action may be tricky to implement, depending on how specific the game is about it. If you have to specify a specific creature doing a specific action then it's really tricky, but making it into an action that ends your turn but goes off when an enemy enters a specific area may be doable.