Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by pill0ws
I am personally not even happy about Standing up from prone costing an action but I guess it can be used in my favor against the computer so its not entirely annoying

I've found that standing up from prone only costs your action if you were helped from dying on that same initiative count. In this case, I'm interpreting it as the game thinks your action was spent on your death saving throw, but it might just be a bug. When I've started my turns prone (but not downed!) my character just stands up using half their movement. I still have my action left. If you're finding differently, then it's a bigger issue than I thought...

The biggest problem with prone is, when you fall on your turn, you can't take *any* more actions (completing your move, standing up, standard or bonus action) that turn. Instead you are given the "prone" condition which lasts until your next turn. I assume Larian will fix this...

But yeah, jump should just be a button. You can jump up to your STR score and it costs appropriate movement. I'm fine with always being able to jump your STR score even if you don't move 10ft for simplicity's sake. You can even be allowed to jump multiple times in a turn, whatever! But it *should provoke AoOs.

ah, I think you are right. It does seem to only happen on turns that I brought up a downed character. Hopefully this is just a bug and they fix it to just cost movement