I would argue that Shadowheart is more evil then neutral due to worshipping an evil Goddess, Shar.
Something about Wyll & Gale is just making me uneasy about them also.
Gale did something to turn himself into a necrotic bomb. That probably was not a good act.
Wyll hinted he was worse in his youth and I feel the whole "Blade of the Frontier!" stuff is for him to hide horrible things he did in the past.
These companions all come off to me as too much from the edgelord school of roleplaying. None of them seem like classical heroic types.
I had this argument before, but tagging shadowheart only because of the Shar worshipping thing has it's limitations. Once you explore her character for a bit through character interaction, you'll find out the story is more complicated than it seems initially. I can't say more without spoilers though
Shar has historically had a lot of success at luring in people with promises of a place they will be accepted. And it sounds a bit like Shadowheart was brought up in the worship of Shar since she was a child.
Shar is, without a doubt, a heavily toxic, abusive, and evil person...goddess or no. But it is entirely possible to be even a good person who unknowingly loves, supports, and is utterly devoted to someone that is just using and abusing you.
I'm certainly not saying Shadowheart is Good. She's probably on the very shallow end of evil, if not just flat neutral.
D&D "evil" covers a LOT of territory and some of it is behavior and personality types that we would call jerks or assholes but not really evil.
That you patron is evil doesent male you evil though...
Check the post, I did say that.