Originally Posted by Emulate
I just had my topic locked at the request of some one trolling me? The moderation on these forums is completely unacceptable.

If larian is not capable of accepting criticism on this game it will never succeed.

Going to link my video here again so people can see Why I think BG3 sucks currently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKko1q73p_I

I decided to give the game another shot today after leveling my charcters up and the game is just as bad... makes no difference here is the fight I did today.. it was painfull and I wanted it to end.


The reason your stuff is being locked down is not because you're giving criticism or feedback, the reason they're being locked down is exactly because of your title and wording here.
You're writing it off as if it's an "as is" product, as if it's final and conclusive and like you were actually told that's what you were purchasing ... which it literally isn't and which you literally were very well aware of before doing so.

The point here is: you're being presented a very rough and unstable beta version of only a small fraction of a game with only a small fraction of the features (classes, etc.) and an initial version of all systems ... none of those are final or conclusive. No one promised you otherwise, Larian, Steam and GoG were in the contrary actually VERY super clear about this, no fine print, all highlighted.
And you (and all other internet bullies and trolls defaming Larian and BG3 left and right on the internet) would actually have a point if you were promised a final product, but the thing is, you literally weren't. You pressed "Confirm purchase" knowing very well all of the above and therefore criticizing the actual product for being exactly that is absurd and ridiculous.
Another thing also is that the pricing is a complete non-argument, because the 60 bucks was also spent knowing all of the above, the price being 15 or 150 bucks wouldn't have changed that or made your arguments any different.

Next time just don't buy a product that is literally being super highlighted as unfinished and being literally declared as intended for a public testing for feedback, if you don't want exactly that, no matter the price. It's that simple.
And this applies to everyone doing this exact same thing you're doing on several boards and social platforms.

Last edited by Genky; 22/10/20 10:20 PM.