Joined: Oct 2020
Thank you for the time, effort and politeness you put in this post Goldberry! Totally agree with you 
Joined: Oct 2020
Absolutely based.
It does my heart good to see such a sound argument backed up by evidence from all major sources, in this case 5e official material and artwork and descriptions from FRCS. And there is not much that I could add past my total support for the return to source in more way than one. I would like to acknowledge that Larian may have had noble intentions but the reality is that the changes made are not producing the results they had desired or the effects that they had hoped for and there is no shame in that. I don't believe the humanization of elves has done anything other than take away something magical and intriguing from the high fantasy genre in every dimension.
I am here to discuss a video game. Please do not try to rope me into anything other than that. Thank you.
Joined: Oct 2020
Now that I have played a few more hours of Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access perhaps more than I dare to admit... I feel like the content of this thread is now even more important to lift to attention. The game itself is really great, and certain enemies terrifying, but I haven't seen a single elf that doesn't just look like a human with pointy ears.
I also have other feedback (we need to talk about the bears), but as mentioned somewhere else there must be another way to forward it to the developers of Larian consequently for them to see and be aware of, so if anyone got advice, please share! This thread is otherwise a great place for players to pile up the constructive feedback for our elves!
Joined: Oct 2020
Thread's too long to read the whole thing but:
I think this is probably just an EA issue? Agreed though, I was definitely a bit sad when I realized that Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, and tieflings all share the same body model. Isn't that probably just because the bodies are lower development priority at this point though?
Also, the female Githyanki is just the generic female model as well I believe.
Elves should DEFINITELY get their own body model at the very least, and yeah, the heads and facial hair feel way too human.
Thanks guys!
Joined: Oct 2020
+1 Very much agree that the current half-elven faces are more 'elven' than the elven faces we have! Those looking to make the half-elven faces available for their elves, please look into the mod HERE by AlanaSP: Custom Character Enhancer.
Joined: Oct 2020
Thread's too long to read the whole thing but:
I think this is probably just an EA issue? Agreed though, I was definitely a bit sad when I realized that Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, and tieflings all share the same body model. Isn't that probably just because the bodies are lower development priority at this point though?
Also, the female Githyanki is just the generic female model as well I believe.
Elves should DEFINITELY get their own body model at the very least, and yeah, the heads and facial hair feel way too human.
Thanks guys! I HOPE it's an EA thing. I wasn't 100% sure since I haven't played EA (so haven't analysed the models/animations closely), but that's disappointing - especially when you look at dwarves, who have their own walking animation.
Joined: Oct 2020
I would post this in the feedback section if you haven't already; it would likely get more Dev eyes.
Joined: Oct 2020
Muy cierto me tuve que hacer un semi elfo por que tenían más características de belleza pero igual como tu dices parecen muy humanos los elfos. Esperemos que hagan cambios o tocara esperar a los modders que hagan ese cambio. por cierto como subes fotos aca ?
Joined: Oct 2020
Maybe slightly tilt the eyes?
Joined: Oct 2020
Consulta encontraste diferencia en caras ? entre subrazas yo las veía todas igual D;!!!!
Joined: Oct 2020
OP tis is Larian's version on Elves. They are a fantasy race, you can make them look however you want.
Joined: Oct 2020
OP tis is Larian's version on Elves. They are a fantasy race, you can make them look however you want. You kind of cant. You need sliders to create what you want. Otherwise you are stuck with the half a dozen faces that Larian has given you.
Joined: Oct 2020
OP tis is Larian's version on Elves. They are a fantasy race, you can make them look however you want. You kind of cant. You need sliders to create what you want. Otherwise you are stuck with the half a dozen faces that Larian has given you. I'm talking about Larian can make the elves how they want because they are a fantasy race, and who decides what a made up fantasy race *should* look like? Elves in DOS2 looked like wood carvings, Elves in Dragon Age looked alien, Elves in Dragon Quest are pink skinned, with fairy wings, and Elves in LoTRs look like Humans with pointy ears. Stop being the elf police guys :X.
Last edited by FatePeddler; 23/10/20 05:21 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
OP tis is Larian's version on Elves. They are a fantasy race, you can make them look however you want. You kind of cant. You need sliders to create what you want. Otherwise you are stuck with the half a dozen faces that Larian has given you. I'm talking about Larian can make the elves how they want because they are a fantasy race, and who decides what a made up fantasy race *should* look like? Elves in DOS2 looked like wood carvings, Elves in Dragon Age looked alien, Elves in Dragon Quest are pink skinned, with fairy wings, and Elves in LoTRs look like Humans with pointy ears. Stop being the elf police guys :X. except fatepeddler, this isn't Larian's IP. this is D&D. And we're saying what the IP says elves look like. you're doing the equivilant of saying "ohh well it's just a sciencie fiction game, aliens can look like whatever they want" on a thread telling a video game maker that "no wookies are not bald with squid tentacles for hair"
Last edited by BrianDavion; 23/10/20 05:50 AM.
Joined: Oct 2020
OP tis is Larian's version on Elves. They are a fantasy race, you can make them look however you want. You kind of cant. You need sliders to create what you want. Otherwise you are stuck with the half a dozen faces that Larian has given you. I'm talking about Larian can make the elves how they want because they are a fantasy race, and who decides what a made up fantasy race *should* look like? Elves in DOS2 looked like wood carvings, Elves in Dragon Age looked alien, Elves in Dragon Quest are pink skinned, with fairy wings, and Elves in LoTRs look like Humans with pointy ears. Stop being the elf police guys :X. I mean they can. And its EA so I guess some people are not a fan of this interpretation and are voicing it.
Joined: Oct 2020
OP tis is Larian's version on Elves. They are a fantasy race, you can make them look however you want. You kind of cant. You need sliders to create what you want. Otherwise you are stuck with the half a dozen faces that Larian has given you. I'm talking about Larian can make the elves how they want because they are a fantasy race, and who decides what a made up fantasy race *should* look like? Elves in DOS2 looked like wood carvings, Elves in Dragon Age looked alien, Elves in Dragon Quest are pink skinned, with fairy wings, and Elves in LoTRs look like Humans with pointy ears. Stop being the elf police guys :X. except fatepeddler, this isn't Larian's IP. this is D&D. And we're saying what the IP says elves look like. you're doing the equivilant of saying "ohh well it's just a sciencie fiction game, aliens can look like whatever they want" on a thread telling a video game maker that "no wookies are not bald with squid tentacles for hair" They are Larian's Elves, and where did DND get Elves from? DND got them from J.R.R. Tolkien! It doesn't matter what they look like, when you read The Lord of the Rings you could've visualised them differently to how they were presented in the films. They are a fantasy race, the creator can make them look how they wish. The same with a DND playthrough, Elves could be different in one playthrough compared to the next.
Joined: Oct 2020
They are a fantasy race, the creator can make them look how they wish. The same with a DND playthrough, Elves could be different in one playthrough compared to the next.
And Larian has created an EA specifically for feedback and discussion. And this is just that. I will tell you the same thing to other players who try to tell people they can't have X or do Y. Stop it. Go do something more constructive.
Joined: Oct 2020
They are a fantasy race, the creator can make them look how they wish. The same with a DND playthrough, Elves could be different in one playthrough compared to the next.
And Larian has created an EA specifically for feedback and discussion. And this is just that. I will tell you the same thing to other players who try to tell people they can't have X or do Y. Stop it. Go do something more constructive. You're very aggressive. I don't understand why people can't just adjust it to their liking in their own head canon, why must people have everyone available to them in game?
Joined: Oct 2020
They are a fantasy race, the creator can make them look how they wish. The same with a DND playthrough, Elves could be different in one playthrough compared to the next.
And Larian has created an EA specifically for feedback and discussion. And this is just that. I will tell you the same thing to other players who try to tell people they can't have X or do Y. Stop it. Go do something more constructive. You're very aggressive. I don't understand why people can't just adjust it to their liking in their own head canon, why must people have everyone available to them in game? And I can't understand why people go on the internet, assume they are some sort of spokesperson for a company and defend that said company's actions. As they perceive them anyway. Then proceed to tell any dissenting voice regardless of how constructive they are to tear them down and belittle them. What is even more interesting these sort of people take some sort of sanctimonious tone like they know better or are revealing facts that were previously unknown to the other posters. What I find ironic is that such posters accuse others of headcanon when obviously its the otherside that is referencing materials and descriptions of the original authors of this piece of make believe fantasy. Not to mention everything so far presented is under construction and review until a full release and this company has explicitly said is looking for constructive feedback and concerns. Anyway. To sum up. Don't be a party pooper and get off your highhorse.
Joined: Oct 2020
Interesting ... hope this will be noticed, and implemented. :3
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!