Joined: Mar 2020
maybe they need to consider giving us option to select class for Astarion and Laezel. They are the only characters that their classes are not tightly connected to their character traits. Maybe some of the unrevealed companions are more like them, which will make the creation of a more balanced party possible
Joined: Oct 2020
OK, now I've finshed the EA - so they whole hook for this theory is that they said you have to commit and this is the interpretation that people made based on that quote? There is no actual proof that you have the party being cut or have I missed something?
Joined: Mar 2020
OK, now I've finshed the EA - so they whole hook for this theory is that they said you have to commit and this is the interpretation that people made based on that quote? There is no actual proof that you have the party being cut or have I missed something? No you haven't missed anything. But so far, everything Larian did and said is quite similar to what they did and said in dos2 EA. I hope they learned from their mistakes in developing that game, but all the signs shows the opposite.
Joined: Oct 2020
Ok thanks. I understand the fear, but I just wanted to be sure I'm not missing something more concrete.
Joined: Oct 2020
Wait are they really gonna mandatory wipe half of the companions at the end of Act 1 just like DOS2 please let this be false come on Larian its an RPG put that power into the players hand to control the outcome this has no belonging in the RPG genre
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Nothing indicates that they will do that. Stop the fearmongering
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Individual companions leaving on account of your actions is also nothing new in the genre. Even in the first Baldur's Gate you had it. It was much more basic than later games and was simply dependent on your reputation, but since than many RPGs had some form of mechanic like it. Larian the best approach would be to combine the approval system with something more scripted. Which means that if your approval rate with a certain companion reach a certain negative value, they will warn you they don't like the way you do things, and if it drops further they will leave.
Aside from that, you can make certain meaningful decisions in the game affect your companions. Example from DAO: if you defile the ashes of Andraste in her sample and you have Wynn and/or Leliana in your party, they will fight you to death.
All of the above methods for dealing with companions leaving the party are valid in my opinion, provided you have enough companions in the game to account for different playstyles. What is not valid is arbitrarily deciding to get rid of all your potential party members simply because they are not in your party at a certain moment. This is what I call a cheap game mechanic that its only reason to exist is to artificially increase the game replay value. Correction: Leleiana and Wynne can possibly fight you to the death. It is entirely possible that that doesn't happen. I know, I've done it. What is "artificially increasing replay value"? There's nothing artificial about that method. If you want to see how absent companion stories play out after Chapter 1, you're either going to reload a base save, and start over with that character, with different companions, or, roll a new character, and both are the definition of replay value. Reasons to replay a game: 1. New class/race/gender choice. 2. Different path through the story. 3. Different companion choices, including romance, if available. Note, this would include different companions if they do lock the party to "who's with you when x happens". None of that is artificial.
Joined: Mar 2020
Individual companions leaving on account of your actions is also nothing new in the genre. Even in the first Baldur's Gate you had it. It was much more basic than later games and was simply dependent on your reputation, but since than many RPGs had some form of mechanic like it. Larian the best approach would be to combine the approval system with something more scripted. Which means that if your approval rate with a certain companion reach a certain negative value, they will warn you they don't like the way you do things, and if it drops further they will leave.
Aside from that, you can make certain meaningful decisions in the game affect your companions. Example from DAO: if you defile the ashes of Andraste in her sample and you have Wynn and/or Leliana in your party, they will fight you to death.
All of the above methods for dealing with companions leaving the party are valid in my opinion, provided you have enough companions in the game to account for different playstyles. What is not valid is arbitrarily deciding to get rid of all your potential party members simply because they are not in your party at a certain moment. This is what I call a cheap game mechanic that its only reason to exist is to artificially increase the game replay value. Correction: Leleiana and Wynne can possibly fight you to the death. It is entirely possible that that doesn't happen. I know, I've done it. What is "artificially increasing replay value"? There's nothing artificial about that method. If you want to see how absent companion stories play out after Chapter 1, you're either going to reload a base save, and start over with that character, with different companions, or, roll a new character, and both are the definition of replay value. Reasons to replay a game: 1. New class/race/gender choice. 2. Different path through the story. 3. Different companion choices, including romance, if available. Note, this would include different companions if they do lock the party to "who's with you when x happens". None of that is artificial. Right forgot about the hardening thing. You right. I don't see how it's relevent but you get the poitnts if it's so important for you. Artificially increasing replay value - forcing the player to make choices that serve no purpose other than prolonging the game's shelf life. Everything you mentioned is fine. But if the game suddenly decide to arbitrarily block you from some content without providing alternative content, it's artificially increasing replay value. I'm sorry I keep returning to it, but right now it's our only point of reference - if you tell me to choose 3 out of 6 companions and then kill the rest for no good reason, you practically forcing me to replay the game even though you didn't have to. You put a roadblock to a lot of game content and offer nothing in return. I played dos2 several times, but most interesting was the playthrough with increased party size mod. The reason why it was so interesting is that not only it didn't hurt the story, it actually made the story better, and more sensible and cohesive. Highly recommended
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not a fan of a potential character lock, and it's not fearmongering, it's what Larian has hinted at, so let's have a discussion about it.
I don't really see any upsides in having a character lock after Act 1, neither story- nor gameplay-wise. You just lock yourself out of potentially interesting content and learning more about a party member you maybe initially didn't even like. You could bring the argument that you could just start another playthrough and pick someone else but that wouldn't really be a compelling argument why the character lock is justified to begin with.
Joined: Oct 2020
Depending on how things play out, keeping companions alive and around can also be artificial. If the player is completely unhelpful to a companion or acts completely against their will, why would they even want to be around? These choices should matter. You can't have everything. Is there a need to be best friends and hear the secrets of all companions in a single playthrough? I don't think so. If you want to keep them around, you can do that. Do your best, and enjoy how the story unfolds
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not a fan of a potential character lock, and it's not fearmongering, it's what Larian has hinted at, so let's have a discussion about it.
I don't really see any upsides in having a character lock after Act 1, neither story- nor gameplay-wise. You just lock yourself out of potentially interesting content and learning more about a party member you maybe initially didn't even like. You could bring the argument that you could just start another playthrough and pick someone else but that wouldn't really be a compelling argument why the character lock is justified to begin with. Oh did they say that? Care to share a link because I dont believe the narrative beeing spun right now without some proof.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not a fan of a potential character lock, and it's not fearmongering, it's what Larian has hinted at, so let's have a discussion about it.
I don't really see any upsides in having a character lock after Act 1, neither story- nor gameplay-wise.. Actually, there is a possible link to the story with all the foreshadowing about the tadpoles in companion conversations at the campsite. Like "If you start turning into a Mind Flayer, how would you like to be killed?" Or Laz'el almost attacking the MC when she thinks the change is starting. So, the companions you don't choose for the locked party after Act 1 turn into proto-Mind Flayers, and you have an epic 4v4 battle at the campsite before moving on to Act 2. I'm not predicting it, just saying it's possible given the heavy foreshadowing in Act 1 conversations.
Joined: Oct 2020
They said you have to chose 3 companions to be in your party at the end of act 1 thats were all this is coming from. I think it was in the romance community update they said it
Last edited by Alanhop1238; 24/10/20 07:03 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
But anyway this was already in DOS2 why put it in BG3?
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Individual companions leaving on account of your actions is also nothing new in the genre. Even in the first Baldur's Gate you had it. It was much more basic than later games and was simply dependent on your reputation, but since than many RPGs had some form of mechanic like it. Larian the best approach would be to combine the approval system with something more scripted. Which means that if your approval rate with a certain companion reach a certain negative value, they will warn you they don't like the way you do things, and if it drops further they will leave.
Aside from that, you can make certain meaningful decisions in the game affect your companions. Example from DAO: if you defile the ashes of Andraste in her sample and you have Wynn and/or Leliana in your party, they will fight you to death.
All of the above methods for dealing with companions leaving the party are valid in my opinion, provided you have enough companions in the game to account for different playstyles. What is not valid is arbitrarily deciding to get rid of all your potential party members simply because they are not in your party at a certain moment. This is what I call a cheap game mechanic that its only reason to exist is to artificially increase the game replay value. Correction: Leleiana and Wynne can possibly fight you to the death. It is entirely possible that that doesn't happen. I know, I've done it. What is "artificially increasing replay value"? There's nothing artificial about that method. If you want to see how absent companion stories play out after Chapter 1, you're either going to reload a base save, and start over with that character, with different companions, or, roll a new character, and both are the definition of replay value. Reasons to replay a game: 1. New class/race/gender choice. 2. Different path through the story. 3. Different companion choices, including romance, if available. Note, this would include different companions if they do lock the party to "who's with you when x happens". None of that is artificial. Right forgot about the hardening thing. You right. I don't see how it's relevent but you get the poitnts if it's so important for you. Artificially increasing replay value - forcing the player to make choices that serve no purpose other than prolonging the game's shelf life. Everything you mentioned is fine. But if the game suddenly decide to arbitrarily block you from some content without providing alternative content, it's artificially increasing replay value. I'm sorry I keep returning to it, but right now it's our only point of reference - if you tell me to choose 3 out of 6 companions and then kill the rest for no good reason, you practically forcing me to replay the game even though you didn't have to. You put a roadblock to a lot of game content and offer nothing in return. I played dos2 several times, but most interesting was the playthrough with increased party size mod. The reason why it was so interesting is that not only it didn't hurt the story, it actually made the story better, and more sensible and cohesive. Highly recommended There is no forcing, unless it happens in every game ever with companions. You can try to romance Morrigan and Leleina at the same time, but there will be consequences, which may result in not having a romance at all, so, going to have to play another game for one or the other. Well, I failed my dialog, and had to kill Wynne at the Circle. I guess if I want her in my party, I'm either going to have to save scum, or, roll another character and play the game again, to see what happens. Well hell, I didn't give Tali the Geth data in ME 1, and now I can't save the geth and the quarians on Rannoch. Guess I'm going to have to replay ME - ME 3 if I want that outcome, or use one of the comics that they have. However, w/out going to outside sources, I'm replaying the games. It's not about "points", btw, it's about misinformation, like "making me choose different companions is artificial replayability".
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not a fan of a potential character lock, and it's not fearmongering, it's what Larian has hinted at, so let's have a discussion about it.
I don't really see any upsides in having a character lock after Act 1, neither story- nor gameplay-wise. You just lock yourself out of potentially interesting content and learning more about a party member you maybe initially didn't even like. You could bring the argument that you could just start another playthrough and pick someone else but that wouldn't really be a compelling argument why the character lock is justified to begin with. Oh did they say that? Care to share a link because I dont believe the narrative beeing spun right now without some proof. Do your own research. But since you asked so "nicely": https://baldursgate3.game/community-update-7-romance-companionship_6/"After the first act however you are going to have to commit, also just like in real life." Next time you see a lot of people discussing a topic, maybe consider it's not made up and everybody else is wrong, but maybe you are the only one who is wrong because you simply missed it. 
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not a fan of a potential character lock, and it's not fearmongering, it's what Larian has hinted at, so let's have a discussion about it.
I don't really see any upsides in having a character lock after Act 1, neither story- nor gameplay-wise. You just lock yourself out of potentially interesting content and learning more about a party member you maybe initially didn't even like. You could bring the argument that you could just start another playthrough and pick someone else but that wouldn't really be a compelling argument why the character lock is justified to begin with. Oh did they say that? Care to share a link because I dont believe the narrative beeing spun right now without some proof. From FAQ: Is your party permanent or can you change members out throughout the adventure? Recruited companions will be at camp when not in the adventuring party, and can be swapped in and out at camp. After the first act however you are going to have to commit, also just like in real life. I can hardly interpret that differently than putting party lock in place. I also share the opinion of many here, that commiting to 3 NPCs out of at least 8 in a let's say 100 hours long campaign is too much to ask for. Since a lot of old fans Will probably want to reserve a spot for Minsc, that means you can take 2 of current NPCs out of Act1 - now choose which 2 are you taking?
Last edited by Azarielle; 24/10/20 07:23 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm not a fan of a potential character lock, and it's not fearmongering, it's what Larian has hinted at, so let's have a discussion about it.
I don't really see any upsides in having a character lock after Act 1, neither story- nor gameplay-wise. You just lock yourself out of potentially interesting content and learning more about a party member you maybe initially didn't even like. You could bring the argument that you could just start another playthrough and pick someone else but that wouldn't really be a compelling argument why the character lock is justified to begin with. Oh did they say that? Care to share a link because I dont believe the narrative beeing spun right now without some proof. From FAQ: Is your party permanent or can you change members out throughout the adventure? Recruited companions will be at camp when not in the adventuring party, and can be swapped in and out at camp. After the first act however you are going to have to commit, also just like in real life. I can hardly interpret that differently than putting party lock in place. I also share the opinion od many here, that commiting to 3 NPCs out of at least 8 in a let's say 100 hours long campaign is too much to ask for. Since a lot of old fans Will probably want to reserve a spot for Minsc, that means you can take 2 of current NPCs out of Act1 - now choose which 2 are you taking? Ok, so that says "At the end of Act I", not a fan, btw. What it does not say is that there won't be any more comps added after Act I. It doesn't say it will have them either, but w/out that, and given the scope of the game, and the rumor mill running wild, I'm not sure I'd bet against there being comps coming later.
Joined: Aug 2020
Well, in BG2 you did have to commit to a certain party setup in Spellhold (oh, I forgot Suldanessellar + Hellish pocket plane were also locked), but the rest of that game you could experiment freely.
But overall, I'm not a fan of locking out companions after act1. Unless Larian has some genius level big brain totally cohesive story reason for doing so, regardless you would still (most likely) hear me moan about it.
Last edited by Nicottia; 24/10/20 07:54 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I'm with you on the commitment part. Unless Larian will be introducing more interesting characters, it will be disappointing to just have three out of the five. I love playing rpg games, especially ones that include companions that have character development. In those games you build a close relationship with them and in BG3's case, if you grow close to all your companions, it's heartbreaking to have to let some of them go.
As for having to swap between party members for certain missions, this is common in rpg games that include companion missions, like I noticed Larian is doing. One thing I will say is I feel like they should of went more the BioWare route. BioWare is known in the video game industry as the best company that knows how to write characters, especially romance. Their popular franchises are Mass Effect and Dragon Age, some of the best scenes in those games are romance scenes and companion missions because of the character development.
The reason I am mentioning this is because in an interview they said that this is their interpretation of Dungeons and Dragons but it's still an open world rpg game. I think they want to make this game based on their vision of D&D.