Waaait, what? I am literally confused.

You enjoyed BG1/2 but hate interacting with your companions? Have we even played the same games? Are you one of those players who just skip dialogues and enjoy the hack n slash bits? You realize there are a lot of us who love these games for the stories, interactions with companions, NOT just to kill everything on sight and call it a day, game done.

You hate turn based, okay. That I can understand, I myself prefer RTwP, too. But I don't hate the turn based gameplay, sure the fights take longer, but meh. Either way it's easy. And as a huge fan of real time I had no issues with the 'first dungeon' you mentioned. None, you literally can loot those skeletons up ahead and take their weapons, they will be forced to run into melee range to try to attack you. It's so easy to create choke points that way... There are only a few mages that are very easy to take down too. Overall, you gotta use your brain instead of running in and slashing monsters to bloody pulp. Oh, and you can also save the game in the middle of combat, too. In case you didn't know that. wink

Although I would love to see your face when you would encounter all these barreled up rooms of instant death...

But agree with the overall notion a lot of people have is that this is not feedback, just a personal complaint about something you dislike about this game, that others absolutely love... maaaybe this game just isn't for you. ;(