UI Feedback

  • Adding multiple spells per spell slot level to the hotbar takes up to much room. This will become more apparent once the level cap of 4 is removed. Please consider a single icon for each spell known or memorized. When the user clicks on that spell icon on his hotbar (or spells window), a popup window comes up with the spell slot level to select. The popup window should consider the Up Cast changes so the user is informed of what the spell slot Up Cast does. Also consider showing both Spellcasting class feature spell slots and Pact Magic class feature spell slots for when multiclassing is implemented.
  • Consider adding more auto toggle abilities like Opportunity Attack. This doesn't pertain to just Reactions. Things like Sneak Attack could be implemented as a toggle ability that refreshes each turn once it's triggered instead of having 2 distinct new buttons like it currently is. This way, if you're a dual wielding rogue, and you miss with your Attack Action, you can still technically trigger Sneak Attack with your Off Hand Bonus Action Attack. The same toggleable ability would function on a Ranged attack or Opportunity Attack as well, given it's prerequisites are met of course. Some additional future enhancements that would benefit from this might be the Paladin's Divine Smite and the Shield spell (Technically, any reaction based spell).
  • Consider adding same source damage to one damage roll. Things like the Eldritch Evocation Agonizing Blast, Sneak Attack, Colossus Slayer, Hunter's Mark, and Battle Master additional damage dice all come to mind as they're of the same damage type as the original attack. NOTE: I love how the different damage types (Fire weapon) show differently. Please keep this.
  • Combat log auto scroll.
  • Item sorting.
  • Gold defaulting to the current value in trade (or maximum if the value is to high).

Last edited by Chaaz; 24/10/20 01:18 AM.