Joined: Oct 2020
38 years of gaming and a degree in critical literary theory give me enough experience to know exactly the kind of colour-by-numbers romance that has been shoe horned in to this game.
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire did the same thing and got the same reaction from me. It was more difficult to AVOID sleeping with everything that moved than anything else.
It is bad, cheap writing and lowers the quality of this game to a Danielle Steele novella.
It's on the game to prove my experiential expectations wrong, not the other way around. Or even though you have so many titles that's how you liked to play the games. Never had problems avoiding romances in the games that made it possible when I was in the mood for navigating the story without any other focus than to get the quests done. But then I also played the romances to see if there were any repercussions in the end of the story (that's what I hope, that in the endgame the different options: no romance, romance this or that other companion bring to different outcomes) like in Dragon Ages. In a more general answer, I don't get all the moral backlash for scenes that are up to the player to disclose, and about romances in general. Like those are forced down our throat, you're not interessed in romance? Don't get there. Furthermore on what basis does anyone, on basis of personal preferences, decide how Larian spent resources? It's few days I'm playing the game and I love what I see, re started few times and found new things I've lost, to this moment the storytelling seems captivating, you have a lot of options on how to achieve the first main goal, the companions have their storylines that are intriguing. There are issues but the studio seems focused on resolving them and so on. That is, good to have personal positions on things like romance, sex scenes and so on, but always to remember that they are just personal opinions and that the games are all made in a way that almost anykind of gameplay is satisfied.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2009
38 years of gaming and a degree in critical literary theory give me enough experience to know exactly the kind of colour-by-numbers romance that has been shoe horned in to this game.
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire did the same thing and got the same reaction from me. It was more difficult to AVOID sleeping with everything that moved than anything else.
It is bad, cheap writing and lowers the quality of this game to a Danielle Steele novella.
It's on the game to prove my experiential expectations wrong, not the other way around. Yeah, sadly everyone wants to copy the Mass Effect "by the numbers" romances for whatever reason.
Joined: Oct 2020
I want to believe that as the game goes and the longer you commit, the less other companions will be inclined to try and steal you from your current relationship.
Joined: Oct 2020
Seems romance is the main topic here. 1) I feel like all characters are just as eager and just as liberal with their sexual preferences. That's awkward. Why is everyone (almost) throwing themselves at my feet disregarding of gender and relationship dialogue unlocked? Also, if anything Gale seems more interested in hitting on Lae'zel. Why are all the party members so low maintenance and why are all the party members just as open minded in regards to race, gender, previous interactions? 2) As mentioned previously in this thread. The sex scene (I've only seen Minthara + female PC) seems very long and without much purpose in regard to developing Minthara, the PC, or the story. It makes the scene feel unnecessary. Especially since it's not a culmination. I barely knew Minthara for a day and I actually hate her guts.
Joined: Oct 2020
1) Agree 2) Well you did all the jobs for her you killed many good people and kids as she asked, so yeah you seem to like her alright. Sex also doesn't have to be because of everlasting love, sometimes it's just a night of fun.
Joined: Oct 2020
lol, hilarious that the chaotic evil path gets the full blown content. Interesting 
Joined: Oct 2020
What I find interesting is you can hack and slash your way to winning by killing anything and everything in your way and no one has an issue, show a tittie and people lose their minds.
Personally, I like diversity and would like a whole lot more to do then the continual mass murder that seems to make up most games today.
How about going back to games like Quest for Glory where you had the ability to talk your way out of fights and sneak around issues etc! So far this game has a little of that and I am hoping for a lot more.
And sex, seriously what is the harm? Put it in and let those of us that are adults make up our own minds whether we are tired of murdering and would like to see something pretty instead.
How is it that people in the 21st century still think like their puritan ancestors of centuries gone by? Careful, don’t show them a phone, they will kill you for witchcraft (after all murder is fine)!
Joined: Oct 2020
Really!?! People get mad about everything. "People are making white male characters! Heresy"; "Lariam hates white males, did you see their statement? Talk about a way to alienate your playerbase. I know what game i won't be playing!" "They show breasts but where is the love for the female players?" (Like guys with muscles or 5% body fat don't have their shirts off constantly in media, and if you've listened to women talk, they Abso-fricken-lutely objectify us) "Oh my goodness it's X-rated! Seriously, kids might play this!" What're these people, Tipper Gore? Grow up. We have women running around naked on the news at protests, or just sitting there with their legs spread in front of police in the former "Chaz zone". Don't you dare show a noodle or naked female bum in BG though. Don't you do it. Oh, you want to light 9 year old goblin kids on fire and toss them into the Underdark a mile below? Sure, that's fine. But no female bums, or human kids. Torture any other race or adult though, that's fine. Also, if there is romance, it should be written by someone who's at least written a thesis on the mating rituals of Infernalkin and Mountain Dwarves. It should have gone through peer review for accuracy and formal discussion as all this simplistic connect the dots for a little loving is just not up to par. Pft, I think we all work hard enough for relationships in real life, I honestly don't want _that_ in my rpg. Make it a fun mini-game of sorts. This isn't a girlfriend simulator, and honestly, I don't want one (A girlfriend sim, I have a real one here and she's enough work)
I hope the romance scenes that are in the game so far (that I've seen while playing) are a severly cut back version of what we will see in the final product. I'd absolutely prefer mature romance scenes to a hug, kiss, fade to black. CDPR will let you sleep with a guy with boobs, and show it all, but this game is already getting flack and they've show nothing in the actual game. The violence would receive an "M" warning if it was a TV show. The romance scenes are PG at most so far.
Last edited by Cespenar; 20/10/20 12:43 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
I must play the most unlucky player ever, because noone seems to be interested romantically. Not one bit and I have companions that have a ""very high" affinity (or what its called).
Joined: Oct 2020
Joined: Oct 2020
"38 years of gaming and a degree in critical literary theory give me enough experience to know exactly" never read anything like this before, first time, really honestly, no one ever claims this. That said I have 39 years of gaming and a degree in super critical literary theory at the school of doesnnotexist.
Joined: Oct 2020
So I am also in favor of skipping such scenes, last thing I want it to get a cut scene with nudity and have my wife catch it. That will be the end of my playing this game for sure. I am not here for romance, I am here for the adventure. Sure keep the dialogue, but give me the option to skip the scenes before they even play.
Joined: Oct 2020
You don't have to romance a companion, or a npc.
Last edited by Xeneize; 20/10/20 07:42 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
>beeing mad about romance why.
Nope, not mad about romance. I'm upset with sexually explicit content. For those of you who think it's too Risqué.. It's optional for a reason, Just because it's not YOUR option doesn't mean it isn't someone else's option. Gate keep your own table. I am personally looking forward to this masterpiece.
Joined: Oct 2020
Good update, hope they refine it and add more.
Joined: Oct 2020
All the complaints are easily fixed with a checkbox for G, PG, or R ratings. Just click the box for G or PG, and fade to black before the real fun begins if people don't want to or can't enjoy that aspect of the game. Some of us like it as it is an RPG, and we're not one-dimensional.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Aug 2016
Topics like this make me laugh. Because there are always people complaining about the sex in it. The excessive violence and gore, including the slaughter of a bunch innocent people(including children) isn't the end of the world. But GODS DAMN THEM! if they show a boob. I'm not even hating, because no lie, that tickles me.
Last edited by cool-dude01; 24/10/20 04:41 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Topics like this make me laugh. Because there are always people complaining about the sex in it. The excessive violence and gore, including the slaughter of a bunch innocent people(including children) isn't the end of the world. But GODS DAMN THEM! if they show a boob. I'm not even hating, because no lie, that tickles me. What tickles me is that yours is the typical defense to the argument. Instead of saying that it is wrong, you point out what you think is another wrong, but do anyway. It makes me wonder why so many people feel the need to see pixel boobs all while trying to divert attention towards something they themselves do, but feel is worse.
Joined: Oct 2020
So who is this character? Is that a PC or the NPC that was discussed in the hidden part of an earlier post?