Originally Posted by Soulbasaur
Just throwing this out there:

How do y'all feel about being able to see the target for any given skill check? I think it's largely fine, but I can't help but think it's kind of unnecessary. As a D&D player and DM, I rarely am told, or tell others, what the DC for a skill check is. The result is evident from the situation that ensues.

I also think removing the target would result in less tendency to reload a save for a check. If, for example, you know the target for a skill check is a 5, and you rolled a 4, reloading a save to pass that check is probably something some players feel inclined to do. Removing the target could mean players embrace failure more (which is what I want for myself as well).

No need to see the target for a skill check. Without it, failure is more valuable.

What do y'all think?

Totally agree. I would go even further. And hide the fact that you are going to use a skill for this dialog option. It's not like, at a real table you would say something in line of "I use persuasion skill to tell this".
Words themself should be enough for you to chose this option.
I'm shure not all will agree with me. May be make it an option in settings, or part of difficulty level.