i have bought both baldurs gate 3 and Solasta Crown of the Magister , and played through all the early access content of both games, i am also a big Fan of the baldurs gate 2 und Divinity Original Sin 2 .
Solasta ist not bad, i found the most interesting Setting in it is the Illumination, you need Illumination to find the hidden Things , and it really affacts the Combat, you have to use the worse Dice if the enimy stands in the shadow, and so you have to sacrifice a Hand to held the Torch if you havnt chose the Illumination Magic, and you are easier to be hit if you held the torch , it brings so much uncertainty and tactical thought during the Combat, really Cool Disign.
i believe, that is also a DND Rule, which we really should have in Baldurs Gate3 , otherwise , i really cant tell much deference between BG3 and Divinity OS2
sorry i havent notice the Lighting Rules ist already implemented ,thanks Zellin mentioned below, but that is also a Problem, my new sugguestion ist on 3rd Post.
Last edited by Cloud747; 24/10/20 11:46 PM.