More shadow areas are not especially wanted, since there are many actually : all the underdark for example, and most crypts are not illuminated, and when they are it's with candles that are easily dimmable.

Plus it will give a bit too much incentives about taking darkvision-capable races, beside the fact half of them already have it (including most monsters as well).

But, speaking about visibility of those effects, I wish for a tactical view, for example with the SHIFT key, that can show precisely bright/dark/obscured areas limits ; it's very important tactically speaking, especially when trying to ambush/sneak, and even in combat (to know if a move can bring you into light AND enemy view for instance).

Plus, showing precise limits for surfaces is absolutely vital in this game : you absolutely want to know where to jump to avoid fire effects without having to mouse-over them to know ; visual effects that are spread everywhere are not helping either.
Same could be said for special areas like Darkness or Fog, since it's not always clear where you are inside or not (limits are naturally blurred and not always easy to read).

Last edited by FenrisC; 25/10/20 10:12 AM.