I have no problem with people mixing a bit of sex in with their slaughtering and looting if that's how they want to play a game. Sex is, after all, what makes the world go around (well, that and Fat Bottomed Girls) so it would be odd if it never appeared in RPGs.

In a tabletop PnP, or in multiplayer/MMO with other people, you can get as flirty and dirty as you like. In terms of game mechanics, though, I would rather not see anything approaching the disaster that was F.A.T.A.L. A Seduction roll (I think they are best dome with Diplomacy or possibly Deception roll now) is fine to let the GM know that your PC has distracted or charmed the NPC. I don't need to see rolls for position, stamina or satisfaction.

As for discussing sex or game-related fetishes on the General section of the forum. Well, I'm fine with that. Maybe I don't share the kink or feel comfortable with the language or insinuations, but I am not being forced to read the thread. If I get uncomfortable I can always just leave with the click of a button. I did just that over on the 'How Sexy Should Half-Orcs Be?" thread. There was a thread that approached bucket of water territory at times, but if you don't like it, don't read it.

Last edited by Sadurian; 25/10/20 12:07 PM. Reason: Roll, and not role