Originally Posted by nation
+1 i think this is a good point to be made. i hope im wrong, but from a business perspective i have a sneaking suspicion that wotc may have some concerns or issues with mods being implemented depending on their content (ie. cosmetic mods v mods that add races or class options that arent in the base game) than the community may realize. i could understand wotc preference to limit how much 5e content that could be modded into the base game outside what larian/wotc officially releases, but with that said i do hope that modders are given some love since they do produce alot of great content for the community.

I'll start with the caveats that IANAL and I don't have any insider knowledge on what Larian's business strategy is wrt this general area.

However, I would be very surprised if mods ended up being in conflict with business interests as Larian have been promoting modding since being their own publisher and have been rather conspicuously not indulging in EA-style nickel-and-diming for minor content. I don't know WotC at all and wouldn't like to comment either way about them, but I would be quite surprised if Larian entered into an agreement that involved doing a 180⁰ turn on the player involvement that they've been fostering for years.

As for anyone trying to monetise mods, it's an absolute minefield especially when looked at from an international perspective which is why modding tends to be free and the various T&Cs I've seen to date explicitly preclude charging money for them. Just the copyright ownership itself is probably at best highly impractical to resolve once money starts changing hands. Which is why it tends to be a hobbyist venture, though "hobbyist" certainly doesn't imply amateurism as I've seen a lot of very polished stuff released over the years.

Last edited by vometia; 25/10/20 03:27 PM. Reason: grammar. Which is probably still rubbish.

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