The issue with RNG is that a singular % "hit chance" is only accurate over an infinite sample size. This "random" not "random" generator only becomes a "hit chance" over thousands of samples. Example - a 95% "hit chance" generation may take 100,000 rolls to hit or get within 1% of the 95% "hit rate".

The way around this is to "force" this ratio over a much smaller sample as the "hit chance" is calculated NOT generated. This makes it a hit RATIO not CHANCE. In this way a 95% hit ratio is 19 hits to 1 miss which can be forced. For 95% you generate a small binary matrix from 1 to 20 adding one zero randomly with 19 ones. Roll the 1-20 RNG noise generator and if you land on that MISS then delete that row from the matrix making it impossible to roll MISS for 19 more attacks against that target. These calulations are binary and any CPU would cheese the calculations.

My main point is that using RNG probability to calculate "chance" when it is a "ratio" is extremely inaccurate when using teeny weeny sample sizes. This is why "random" must be applied to another "random". Applying a randomly generated number to a semi-randomly generated binary matrix based on hit % would stop the 95%> formula from the "miss miss miss miss miss miss". It basically makes your chance to hit increase by 5% every time you miss and decrease by 5% everytime you hit until the ratio is reached. Job done. This is not a dice roll, this is the matrix as there is no spoon.

RNG applied to "rolls" has the potential to totally ruin game experiences, XCOM anyone? I hope ^^^^^^ this makes sense to someone at least as it isn't easy to explain.