Originally Posted by Warlord999

Currently playing as a drow and noticing that this race has the most benefits, superior dark vision is one on them, but quest wise - goblins worship me and I can walk around Goblin base as a boss, one would say thats ok if some evil characters think you are evil as well, but surely I will get some penalties from good characters, right?


Except for some unique answers - nobody pays too much attention that I am a drow, for instance, those warriors that got slaughtered at the burning house and their grand duke of something got kidnapped by a drow raiders... completely ignore the fact that I am a drow, there should be at least some distrust or something.

To sum up - game needs more racism or xenophobia (that sounded terrible haha), or some kind of opinion penalties to make it more realistic and challenging.

The scene at Waukeen's Rest feels so unreal when you play as a drow and counselor Forrick informs you the duke was kidnapped by drow raiders but doesn't at least question your allegiance.

There should be much more contempt and fear when you go to the grove and when you meet humans or elves in general, I agree.

Last edited by Nyanko; 26/10/20 11:54 AM.