Originally Posted by Tuco
Originally Posted by denhonator

I don't know about D:OS2 but in D:OS1 the AI does the same thing, although less frequently. They might spend 10s just stuck, not doing anything until they pass the turn. If we weren't bringing it up, they might just think it works well enough and leave it as is

DOS2 got considerably faster across the EA and through subsequent updates.
For DOS1 I can't really say I remember this ever being a problem to begin with.

But of course if you are expecting it to become instantaneous that's NOT going to happen no matter the amount of optimization. Flexible AI is always going to use a certain amount of computational power.

They had issues like this in their previous games in EA but they were all cleared up on release. I'm confident the AI lulls won't be there and yes to an option to speed up combat movement/animation speed, this is a common TB feature.