Originally Posted by Abits
Originally Posted by Svalr
I'd say no if you're not a big DnD fan and want to support Larian.
But yes if you are and do.

Paying full price for a game where act 1 isn't even finished yet and is a completely buggy mess is a bit ridiculous unless you just really care.
People get really mad when you say this but I am not saying that the game is bad or that EA is unethical ( Electronic Arts is tho :P ), just that you need to know what you're getting into and be willing to essentially trust Larian with your money.
I look at it more as supporting Larian than buying a game in its current state.
Even if you got 60 hours out of it or whatever I don't think that says much, I don't like to judge games based on time invested.
A game can be trash and 300 hours long while an incredible game can be 1 hour long.
I don't consider an unfinished buggy game to be worth full price without this context of it being about supporting Larian.
So no I didn't get my moneys worth, but I am trusting that I will in the end and that's why I am willing to part with the money.
It's sorta like a pre-order.

If people actually asked themselves if they would've been okay with spending full price money on the game in its current state if it was final then I think people would've said no.
It's worth separating the actual game in its current state from just supporting Larian, I think that most people feel like they got their moneys worth because of the latter and not the former.

I agree that I wouldn't recommend playing the game at its current state to most people, but it's amazing to me how pre-order of a game is fine but when you pre order the game and get something extra it's suddenly a scam

In current day we have pre-order, pre-purchase, and early access.
Pre-order was prominent back in the day, your money would be reserved when putting in a pre-order, but there is a 100% money back guarantee if the game is not delivered.
Pre-purchase is when you purchase the game ahead of time, but pre-purchases are usually only done when there is a 100% security of game release at some point.
Early access is kinda like a pre-purchase, but with early access to the game content... in this day and age, it means you pay to test the game.

I am largely against pre-orders, pre-purchases and early access. But some studios have made it worth it. Larian is one of the total two to me.

Last edited by TheOtter; 26/10/20 02:43 PM.