Originally Posted by Tzelanit
I mean, I don't look at the current female companions as bitches at all. I'm actually really happy that Larian didn't go the "aren't I just the cutest and most innocent princess ever" route with them.
It's a tough world and the companions are in a tough situation. The standard tropey naive and optimistic girl would feel out of place. They have no reason to trust you and they're on a serious quest with their lives on the line. Flowery anime-esque "uwu" conversations wouldn't really fit the narrative or the style in this circumstance. Strong women aren't for everyone, and maybe JRPGs are more your speed if you really need the presence of oblivious, dramatic, and insecure female characters to enjoy yourself.

Besides, Lae'zel and Shadowheart start shedding some of that steely exterior over the course of your adventures together. I don't see the issue at all and I love their personalities.

But I think he talks about a very specific companion archetype that has been in most RPGs of this kind ever since Aerie from bg2. A probably not full list but those I remember - Aerie (bg2), Dawn Star (JE), Liara, (ME), Tali (ME2), Leliana (DAO), Merrill (Da2), Shani (Witcher 1), Loshe (dos2). The most common thing about him I found aside from their relatively agreeable nature is that they are not the only possible romance in the game, and the other option is usually much less agreeable at least at first.

Larian's Biggest Oversight, what to do about it, and My personal review of BG3 EA
"74.85% of you stood with the Tieflings, and 25.15% of you sided with Minthara. Good outweighs evil, it seems."