Originally Posted by Zefhyr
KingTiki you said "But the RTwP crowd will complain about slow combat forever, because they can't deal with it."
I can't stand it cause it's voluntarily rude and pretentious.

Really I have nothing against turn-based, I can enjoy it with intense and hard fights.
But the fact is, in this game, there are and there will be encounters easy to deal with.
For this encounters, we need more than just "AI optimisation".

Well it seems you did not get what I was saying. I said a subset of people here, the "RTwP crowd" I called them, will NEVER be satisfied. If you belong to that subset or not is not up to me.

As for optimization beyond AI, I think it is rather simple. They need to revert the rebalancing they did regarding AC, HP and spell effects. The fight will be pretty fast and easy when you can just shatter half the enemies with 1 turn as a wizard. As it stands now this is pretty hard because of the HP bloat.