Originally Posted by denhonator
Originally Posted by SilverSaint

The problem with these threads is that it is basically impossible for them to actually do it with their current engine. You are, in essence, asking them to make a completely new game. It's not useful feedback at all.

RTwP is discussed in another thread, let's stay with how to make combat faster while staying TB in this one. Making all enemies move at the same time or at least engage faster would make sense. Right now they all clearly plan after you make your move. I think the AI could start thinking and planning BEFORE you act. Make an assumption of the best move and then just quickly QA it against the current situation. Maybe it would make it a bit faster. They know your skills, they know who's the threat. Back in DOS:2 I've seen the AI figure out some really insane things. Most of the time they don't even need to do it, the simple things sometimes work the best.

What knowledge do you have of their engine that makes you say it's basically impossible?

Pillars of eternity was RTwP and they added TB cause the community asked for it.
In the case of Pathfinder: Kingmaker it was the exact opposite I think but not sure about it. They have both in the end.
Baldur's Gate I & II was RTwP.... by accident. Mostly due to budget issues. They did the game on an RTS engine.

Ultimately yes, BG3 could have both to appeal to it's public. It's not a question of who's right cause you're both right. It's a question of does Larian wants to invest in it and it seems their CEO is against it so...there's that.

After me, it's a question of how many people play this game solo VS how many people play it in MP. Cause TB is way better for MP after me. If a high % of players play solo then why not try to think about them and add RTwP for them. If it happens it will be a post-release feature anyway since it's a huge element that wasn't on their initial roadmap. But....we'll see.

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.