Based on your comments I urge you to try Dragon Age Origins. Most people will rightfully say it doesn't reach the heights that Baldur's Gate 2 reached (Baldur's Gate 2 is like the ultimate masterpiece of the genre), but it's very good and very cinematic. and fully voice acted and all that. Baldur's Gate 3 is very similar to DAO in presentation, but I think if you'll play it you'll see exactly what I mean when I say flagging and immersion done right. Other than that, every game BioWare made from 1998 to 2011ish is a solid choice, especially if you enjoy the storytelling style of Dos2 and bg3. the gameplay in Bioware games could vary a lot (you have D&D games, Mass Effect which is a RPG-third person shooter hybrid, and even some kung fu action RPG), but the storytelling is very much the same - dialogue choices, companions, different endings based on your actions. Plenty of games to keep you occupied until the full bg3 release. I kinda envy you in that regard, to be able to play these games for the first time.
I can't finish without mentioning my own first Bioware game, which Star Wars: Knights of the old republic. It came out in 2004 I think, and its gameplay is kinda similar to the Baldur's gate gameplay, but much more streamlined. It's fooly voice acted, but It looks very old and might not even work on your rig. but a really great story, a must for a star wars fan. just avoid spoilers at any cost.
I'll make sure to give DAO a try then when I've fummed about enough in BG3

Thank you for your recommendations - I'll definitely give BG2 a look as well, since it is so highly spoken of. c:
And even I am aware of Biowares reputation when it comes to RPGs

And I've seen the entire famous Mass Effect on YouTube (... I've watched a lot of entire games like movies on YT xD ). Thank you very much for your recommendations. c: