Originally Posted by pinklily
I think she'd make a great companion but, if they do make her one, I think they would have to change her face. Currently she uses the same face my tiefling uses and all the companions have unique/non-player faces. This makes me think she isn't planned as a companion but, ofc, this could change with player popularity.

Yes would be great if she could be a companion for the full release. If you examine Karlach which is the new companion, she's another fighter. I can see Alfira being a bard companion, as she refines her song the weeping dawn, she can use it in battle and it becomes more powerful as she levels up, even cooler if it can be played as background music whenever she sings it for battle. Think that's a roleplaying gem that Larian may just pass up...

Last edited by voncastein; 27/10/20 07:34 AM.