Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by Veilburner
Starfield surpassed 1 million concurrent players on Steam a few days ago.

No, it didn't.

The number of concurrent players on Steam didn't come anywhere near that. A quarter of that.

The one million number comes from Bethesday, claiming to tally all the platforms together. As does the comment about six million "launches" of the game.

Originally Posted by Warlocke
The word argument here means a statement supported by evidence adopting a position. Like a legal argument or an academic argument. The person is saying your position is poorly founded and supported.

The word flop only pertains to weak sales. It has nothing to do with reviews. Starfield is definitely not a flop. It’s a financial success.

I understand what the word argument means.

My response is that I'm not making an argument. I'm having a conversation. This isn't me writing a thesis trying to prove beyond doubt that Starfield is this or that.

This is me saying, hey, this game doesn't appear to be doing anywhere near as well as initially anticipated. In fact, I think it's getting a surprisingly poor reception. Based on reviews, etc etc...


My mistake. That's across all platforms

And it is getting review bombed. Someone gave it a 1 a few months ago.

Last edited by Veilburner; 09/09/23 05:59 PM.