Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Does this 6 person mod also increase the number of enemies in encounters???

I could see combat happening faster with a 6 person party ONLY if the encounter enemies are made individually tougher. If you just get 50% more enemies, then I'm skeptical it will significantly speed things up.

Right, that's related to the point I was making about how the scenery is designed for the current party size AND number of enemies.

If you want to roflstomp the current number of enemies with their current HP and armor with a party of six, you can do it with a mod. But keeping the same challenge we have now with an increased party size, means either giving the current enemies ridiculous HP so we're fighting bullet sponges all the time, or else increasing the number of enemies. More enemies won't fit into the current scenery, and I can't see Larian doing a total scenery redesign just to cram them in.

Another unintended effect would be that more enemies would mean more AI calculations per turn. That is already an issue with how long combat takes.