Originally Posted by Zefhyr
Virion, I get what you said. I just have to rectify one point.

During the fight against the 18 goblins, I absolutely not struggle.
I was at the top of the wall, shooting arrows, spells and sometimes shoving the goblins who climb up.
It was a fight with absolutely no challenge. Fortunately I win it at the first try but it show how easy it was.
This is based on this particular fight that I feel bored with BG3 fights.
Cause there should be more fights like this (in inevitable in this kind of game) and so it's gonna be damn boring looking at 18 goblins slowly moving.
But maybe people are right, maybe AI improvement will resolve this problem... That said, I'm not convinced at all. ^^"

BTW, I am the one who lost action from a companion cause I pass my turn forgotting their was 2 or 3 companion following actions ? I'm not clear but I hope osmeone understand me. So many times I decide to play Gale before Laezel then I press the "pass" button and so lost the turn of Laezel. For me it's a problem of design.
The same problem with the space-bar who allow to pass the dialogues AND choose the first sentence we can use. Bad design.

Just call the game "Illithids : Shitstorm is coming" and do your stuff. laugh

1: There are many points to be addressed at once so it got a bit confusing. But yes, that's pretty much what I mean. They are not a challenge to be killed if approached correctly but if on top of that i can get rid of all of them in a few turns it would make things even worse after me. I did the battle exactly in the same way as you lol.

That's why I'm willing to accept the length as it's the only thing that makes that battle stand out. Not sure if there's a good solution here. Maybe fewer but tougher enemies would actually be the way to go.

2: Normally you have to pass the turn on every character separately so you shouldn't be able to " bypass" someone's turn. Didn't have that problem.

3: And yeah I say that with a my heartbreaking but I think the game not being called BG3 would make things way easier for larian xD I'm not saying they can't do it, I'm saying we expect the game to give us the same feeling as original BG series while being better. It's hard to do even if half of the people working at Larian know BG. Cause who doesn't.

Last edited by virion; 27/10/20 09:49 PM.

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.