A little too close, yes I kinda see what people are getting at here, though one could argue it's not so different to BG1&2 where you cleared an area and then moved into the next one, just without the screen transitioning. The Map was for places much further away and I am not sure the Hag needs to be too much further.

WHat I do agree with though is the telegraphed nature, at least for me. I met her when the two gentleman were looking for their sister and even if the narrator hadn't of spelled it out for me (did I pass a background Insight check or something?), it was far too obvious how shifty she was. These men were too desperate and she was too " oh no sir, not little old me". I feel as if the men should have been more aggressive and the Hag a little more scared and pleading to make us really question who to believe.

Also the yellow acidic clouds all over the lower part of her base were bloody annoying.

In reference to the Witcher 3, the 3 "ladies" and also the questline regarding Spoons (chillllllls)... this felt cliche D&D vs the real creepy effort put into the Witcher 3 for those 2 segments in particular. In Both cases you are ut on edge and Geralt is very weary of the predicament. With the Hag it felt too easy to read what was going on with the sister and nothing the Hag said seemed to entice an alternative to fighting, nor did I feel in anyway in danger. When the fight comes the Redcaps are too far away and take ages in TB to get to you, by which time the Hag has run off and you have the high ground advantage when the Red Caps do make it through the door.

Love the idea, the music, etc... would prefer some murky polish. grin