Originally Posted by Abits
Originally Posted by charlarn
I dont hate it or anything but the overall tone and weirdness of it compared to the rest of the game is really jarring to me, it's like you're teleported into a completely different game and it takes you out of the experience.

Visually the area is really awesome and I dont think it should be removed, but in my opinion it needs to be toned down to fit with the D&D feel of the rest of the game.

BG always had crazy and out of place quests. In bg2 specifically you had the planer dome (I think that's what its called? The quest with Valigar) and you had the theatre quest that also went a little crazy.

Of course you had the big (and totally missable) fish people questline as well

Those were written really well though and teleported to you literally into another world. I think they did a good job implementing these and on a basic level they were pretty standard rescue and exploration quests. Just the outer parameters have changed to make it interesting. I think the comparison to the hag is fair.
I like the hag story, it is a sidequest that is decently big, is something out from the ordinary and with a distinct visual touch to it. Well done really. You can surely improve a lot, but I would agree that it is good stuff, likely the best sidequest we have so far.
On the topic of the map, I see the appeal of condensing as much content into one map as possible, but it makes it cramped and unnatural. However all in the realm of acceptable disbelief in my book. I would have preferred more maps and a travel time between them, though.