
I will say I find it frustrating that while you can see your roll bonuses for dialogue options, until the roll starts you don't know if you need to roll a 3 or a 17. A DM would generally tell the player what number they needed to hit before the player chose to make the roll no?

I've also noticed in general you can tell in dialogue if you're going to roll high or low before the dice actually lands. Like, the animation tends to show mostly low/high numbers, rather than being truly random. [/quote]

Yeah, like I said I haven't played pnp D&D in over 30 years, but I do seem to recall the DM telling us what we needed to hit before we decided to roll or not. Even when pickpocketing in this game we know what we need to hit before rolling to steal, so why not give us this same option in regards to the dialogue? If I know I need to roll a 17 in order to be successful in a dialogue check before deciding to roll or not, I'm probably going to pass on that option and look at an alternative. I would also love to see the math behind dialogue rolls show up in the log on the right, just like the combat math. It seems I roll a 20 on all the nonconsequential rolls, but a 4 on anything that really matters, and that simply isn't very much fun, nor statistically likely.

Have Fun smile!