Personally I like games that encourage you to accept the consequences of your choices / failures . And BG3 clearly tries to make sure you don't have everything under control. That's what's supposed to make each playthrough a bit different. I'm a huge fan of this choice.

You will always discover something new if you don't resolve to save scumming because you feel " I have to win this roll". Why would you save scam? Because you have high intelligence so you should absolutely not fail this roll? It happened, deal with it.

Failing the dice kinda always result in a slaughter and that's a shame, I have to admit. I want a different outcome and not " I will kill you/ fuck off " kind of failure.

I think the simplest outcome to failure that is not combat would simply be the mob trying to lie to you, depending on the quest maybe offer you an alternative " at a price". Instead of obtaining what you want you can still get it but now you will have to pay for it. There are several options to this apart from "DEATH TO EVERYONE!".

Alt+ left click in the inventory on an item while the camp stash is opened transfers the item there. Make it a reality.