
The DC you see is the number you need to equal or be greater than on the D20 to have a success. Your bonus are already reduced from the DC, not applied to your result. You can see them if you mouse over the DC.

Guidance is in the game but bugged.

The reroll are allowed via inspiration points. You get them for doing things, I haven't paid attention to when or why you get them.


Okay, I can see Guidance being bugged, and I've heard that before. But how do you explain a DC requirement of 17 when a character is +6 in a given choice? Shouldn't the max DC requirement be 14 then? And why would something like say for instance the Teifling Child scenario have a premodified 20 requirement, and something like convincing someone to give you an antidote only have a premodifed 7? See, this is where showing the math would come in handy for players who don't have a 5e DM manual in their hands, and why it seems like some dialogue options are heavily weighted against the player for no apparent reason. A good DM gives players multiple ways to approach a scenario and still achieve a desirable outcome. Not everything should live or die based on one bad dice roll.

Have Fun smile!